Sunny Suncatchers

This month at our Crafty Tuesday, we made some beautiful suncatchers to welcome the sunshine that finally seems to have arrived! Here’s how to do it:

Collect together some transparent bits and pieces which you can use for decoration. We found these pot toppings (basically little rounded-off chips of glass) in our local garden centre. We also used some glass beads, but you could use plastic ones, or bits of beach glass, or old buttons, or even try things like pasta, although it’s not transparent, it could look totally cool…ummm…have to try that one next…

Spread some white children’s glue into a clear plastic lid. Yoghurt pots or houmous pots seem to have this type of lid. Make sure there is no writing on the lid, otherwise it will transfer onto your suncatcher when it is dry and spoil the effect.

Have fun placing your bits and pieces!

Don’t worry if they sink a bit, they’ll all show up in the end when it’s dry.

Here’s what our group made.

And a few more that Sam and I made later as we were a bit addicted (ok, I was a bit addicted…)

Place them in a sunny spot for a few days. When they’re dry or very nearly dry, carefully peel the lid away, taking care not to crack the suncatcher by bending it too much. If it’s still wet on the underneath, which it probably will be, turn over and put back in the sun for another day or so.

When completely dry, you will find that holes (or very thin bits of glue which you can easily turn into holes by gently pushing the glue out with your thumb and forefinger) will have developed. You can choose one of these holes to put thread through to hang your suncatcher.

Now, place in a sunny spot and ENJOY! Welcome sunshine!


21 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    Risa said,

    What a wonderful craft idea, and one that I have not seen before. Adding it to my list of projects to try. Thanks!

  2. 2

    […] am in love with this darling idea from tales from the corner house!  This is just white glue and bits of glass and plastic baubles.  Brilliant and […]

  3. 3

    Magical Childhood said,

    I love, love, love this! I linked to it on Magical Childhood. We’ll have to try it ASAP! 🙂

  4. 4

    Sharon said,

    I will be trying this today. For once I will allow my 2.5 year old to hold the glue bottle herself! This really does look addicting!

  5. 5

    Chele said,

    This looks like so much fun! Thanks for a wonderful project. I am sure my son will enjoy it. Now to raid the house for likely see through bits & pieces…

  6. 6

    […] Make some of these lovely glue suncatchers, from tales from a corner […]

  7. 8

    Holly said,

    These are beautiful. We have a lot of sea glass that I’ve been wanting to make something with, and this could be it! I would worry though that if they were hung in a really sunny spot, the glue might re-melt? Or do you think once it’s solid, it will stay that way?

    • 9

      jo2171 said,

      Hi Holly, we had some in the sun all last summer and they were ok, so I think it’s worth a try. A friend of ours made some with sea glass and they do look really beautiful – I’d go for it if I were you! Kind regards, Jo

  8. 10

    Nicole said,

    These are beautiful! Does the sun really shine through them once their finished? They are lovely whether it does or not, I’m just curious and couldn’t tell from the photos. 🙂 Thanks for a wonderful idea!

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      jo2171 said,

      Thank you Nicole, well, the sun does light them up, but the glue doesn’t go completely transparent so I wouldn’t say it shines through exactly. They do ‘glow’ with the sunlight behind them, if you find the right spot. And they definitely have a stained glass sort of feel, which is what I like most about them! In fact that’s partly where the idea came from – I like making stained glass – but of course it’s not suitable to do with little ones – so I was trying to think of a child friendly version… All the best and have fun if you decide to make some, Jo

  9. 12

    […] this post two weeks ago) 4.  Glue and col­ored glass sun­catch­ers make a pretty kid craft on Tales From The Cor­ner House 5.  Kevin’s famous scones look so good, I’m mak­ing them next week­end– on […]

  10. 14

    Carmon said,

    Would clear school glue work also? That way the glue would be more transparent?

  11. 16

    Leila Price said,

    Ah, these are so simple and beautiful, will definitely be making one with my son. Leila x

  12. 18

    […] Make some of these lovely glue suncatchers. These ones are from tales from a corner […]

  13. 19 said,

    Very nice post. I absolutely love this website.
    Stick with it!

  14. 21

    Michelle said,

    I used a wood glue to do ‘crinkle effect photo frames. You might want to try it. I paint the wooden photo frame, pretty much in the colour scheme I’m after and wait for it to dry. Then heavily coat the frame in wood glue, then cover in cling wrap. I smoosh the clingwrap around on the frame and make lots of little wrinikles and the like then leave it to dry. I check it every couple of days (there is a lot of very wet glue) and when almost dry, I peel off the clingwrap. Next trick, once the glue is completely dry, I got some metallic and pearlised craft paints and pretty much fingerpainted the ridges left by the dried glue….like a highlight.

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